
I’ve lived in Yetholm just about all my life, I started picture framing a few years back and was always slightly disappointed that I couldn’t do anything remotely artistic to frame for myself. Cue a holiday to Skye and the purchase of a very basic DSLR camera and some horrendous photographs! I was bitten by the bug and joined the local camera club soon after - after tens of thousands of photographs, terrifying amounts of money spent on lenses, tripods and all the other gear, and probably weeks of YouTube videos, I am still capable of taking horrendous photographs but occasionally I get a good one!

I am at my absolute happiest when shooting live action - particularly sport and music but almost equally partial to sneaking up on some wildlife or catching a sunrise.


Please feel free to get in touch with any questions, I shall try my best to answer them! I try my best to avoid social media but find FaceBook to be a necessary evil for positing galleries of photos so please have a look over there - A page like would be much appreciated too!

hello [@] charlesbrooker.com